Earning Bounties on Gitcoin — Uptech Africa | UNODC Hackathon

Kotani Labs
2 min readMar 3, 2021


1. What did you build for the East African Blockchain Hackathon?

Whistle-blower Protection application using Blockchain Technology.
a blockchain-based platform that allows anonymous reporting and providing tamper-proof evidence, plus anonymously receiving incentives ... As for media evidence, we provide the necessary tools to anonymize, encrypt and authorize viewing to only personnel

2. How did you find the time experience?

The Hackathon gave us enough time for use to create idea and build the platform. We were able to complete build the system and submit within the required timelines.

3. Can you guide us on how you went about using Gitcoin to register for the bounty?
Step 1: Connect your Github Account
The first step in getting you set up is linking your Github profile to your Gitcoin account.

Step 2: Connect to MetaMask
Next we need to get your MetaMask wallet unlocked so you can get paid!
In the right-hand corner of your Chrome browser, click on the fox icon. Log in with your MetaMask password and the Gitcoin interface should pick it up automatically.

Step 3:
Register with the UNODC Hackathon Bounty and submit the project.

4. Where was Kotani Pay most helpful to you and how did you find the experience?

Kotani Pay was very helpful in guiding on how to register with the hackathon and also how to use gitcoin. It also was helpful in cashing out the prices won during the hackathon.

5. What are the future plans for your start up next 3 months?

For the next 3 months we will be Testing and Validating the idea and opportunity, Test Solution and pricing with real customers, Develop business model and traction channels and Work toward product and Market fit.

Watch the UNODC Hackathon Replay on YouTube



Kotani Labs

Carbon Neutral Blockchain infrastructure provider and validator. Developers of @kotanipay.